Sandy Bridge Xeon model numbers explained

More letter and number combinations to remember

WE FIGURED SOME of you might be interested in knowing what Intel has planned for its next generation of Sandy Bridge Xeon processors when it comes to the model numbers and we’re afraid we have bad news; it’s gotten even more complex. If you read our piece detailing some of Intel’s new Xeon processors based on Sandy Bridge, then you’ll know that Intel has changed its numbering scheme once again and the Xeon’s now start their model name with an E and then it gets trickier from there on in.
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More Sandy Bridge details leak

Xeon models unveiled

JUDGING BY THE multitude of leaks pertaining Intel’s upcoming Sandy Bridge processors, we know we’re getting closer and closer to the January launch. A few more details about some of the unknown factors about the new CPUs and chipsets have made their way online, alongside detailed specifications of Intel’s LGA-1155 Xeon processors based on the Sandy Bridge core.
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Third gen Intel X25-M specs leaked

Faster, bigger, cheaper?

THERE’S NO SECRET that Intel is working on a new range of SSD drives where the new consumer orientated drives oddly enough are listed as a refresh of the current Postville or X25-M G2 drives that Intel is currently selling. The third generation of X25-M brings a lot to the table, such as improved performance, larger capacity and potentially even lower pricing.
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Android finally gets official Skype client

Been long coming, still not perfect

DESPITE THE CELLULAR network operator’s best efforts to control what their customers can and can’t do on the devices that they use with the various cellular services, the biggest bugbear of most network operators has been, and still seems to be, Skype. Today Skype announced its Android client software, something that is already causing quite a stir, especially as the software is limited to Wi-Fi networks only in the US, while in most other countries it can be used over the networks data service.
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HLDS is prepping second generation Hybrid Drive

A different kind of solution

THERE HAS BEEN a lot of talk about hybrid storage solutions which incorporate an SSD element. So far, both Seagate and Samsung have launched hard drives with a small SSD used as a kind of cache to help boost the performance. Now HLDS or Hitachi-LG Data Storage Inc. (as they’re also known) is getting ready to launch its own solution, although the company claims to already be on the second generation of its Hybrid Drive.
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Google brings paid for Android apps to 18 new countries

Developers in 20 countries get a chance to charge for their apps

IF THERE’S ONE thing Android handset owners have been complaining about outside of the US and a few selected other countries, then it has to be the lack of paid for apps from the Android Market. Today Google announced its first step towards a solution of this problem by announcing that the Android Market with paid for apps will be rolled out in 18 countries over the next two weeks.
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HP gets new CEO and President

Ex SAP CEO takes over HP

CONSIDERING THE SCANDALS revolving around HP’s last CEO, Mark Hurd, we’re hoping that HP has made a wiser choice choosing Léo Apotheker as its new CEO and President. Mr Apotheker joins HP from SAP which he joined in 1988 where he’s been a member of the board of directors since 2002 and has served as both deputy CEO and co-CEO.
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