Today is tomorrow, so why are we stuck in the past?

The PC lives in a world of legacy support

DESPITE ALL THE criticism Apple gets, the company has done one thing well, in fact so well that its computers are playing an entirely different game than the humble beige box we all know as the PC. When Apple moved to x86 it dropped hardware legacy support and started with a clean slate and we’re now at a stage where the PC is desperately in need for the same treatment. You may ask why, well read on and I’ll try to explain.
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Intel and Nokia team up to research ThreeDee virtual sauna

At state of the art research center in Oulu

INTEL AND NOKIA’S joint product development has now spun off a join laboratory that will be researching the world of “3-D” [sic] for mobile devices. The research will take place at Oulun yliopisto or University of Oulu, if you prefer, and it’s meant to lead to “new user interfaces and experiences”. We can’t guarantee the virtual sauna, but considering the Finnish people’s obsession with saunas, well, who knows what will transpire…
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OCZ readying RevoDrive-B

Will act as a hard drive cache

OCZ’S REVODRIVE PCI Express based SSD was something of a surprise when it was announced and it’s a fairly unique product in the market considering its competitive retail price compared to a standard SSD. However, it’s now looking like OCZ is readying a new model called the RevoDrive-B which is yet another PCI Express based SSD, but with an extra trick up its sleeve, it’s got a pair of SATA ports for drive caching.
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AMD set to phase out 3DNow! support

Will rely on SSE instead

AMD’S 3DNOW! INSTRUCTION set was never as big of a hit as Intel’s MMX or SSE and it now seems like AMD is getting ready to drop support, sorry, that’s deprecate support for 3DNow! This means that most new AMD processors will no longer have support for 3DNow! but judging by AMD’s blog post on the subject, it’s hardly going to have any effect on the performance of its future processors.
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Intel’s P67, H67 and H61 chipsets will lack native PCI support

Bridge chips to the rescue

INTEL’S NEXT GENERATION of consumer desktop chipsets will lack native support for the good old PCI bus which dates back to 1993. However, most of the motherboards, if not all, that we saw at Computex back in June still featured PCI slots and it only just dawned how this can be. It turns out that the bridge chip makers are going to be making some bucks here by selling PCI Express to PCI bridge chips.
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First PS3 “modchip” arrives

Allows for disc backup to hard drive

SONY’S PS3 WAS long deemed unhackable, at least until today when videos appeared on YouTube of a solution that allows you to back up the Blu-ray media that the PS3 games come on, onto either the internal hard drive of the PS3 or an external USB hard drive while remaining playable. The solution is called PS JailBreak and unlike previous solutions for older consoles, it doesn’t require the console to be opened, nor does any soldering have to be performed.
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MSI kicks off Princess Leia cosplay competition

As it prepares to kick off the Master Overclocking Arena 2010 finals

COMPANIES TEND HOLD all sorts of events and competitions to draw attention to either its products or events. MSI has just kicked off what it calls the Princess Leia cosplay contest on Facebook which gives you the chance to vote for one of five Taiwanese girls that will run around MSI’s Master Overclocking Arena finals dressed up as Princess Leia.
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MSI is readying 870A Fuzion Power Edition

Sets the world right

MANY WERE DISAPPOINTED with MSI’s 870A Fuzion board, as it wasn’t the Hydra board many had expected from MSI. However, it appears that MSI is about to make amends as it’s getting ready to unleash the 870A Fuzion Power Edition. This is the board everyone expected MSI to release and it looks much closer to the early board pictures that appeared on the net.
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AMD quietly drops CPU prices

No huge discounts

YESTERDAY AMD QUIETLY dropped the prices for many of its Phenom II and Athlon II processors, although the biggest price drop is a mere 18.9 percent. Some models had their price dropped by as little as 99 cents and one model even went up in price by $4. We’ve compiled the numbers to make life easier for you to see the price changes, although there really isn’t much to get excited about.
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Asus mulls its future

Apple is killing netbook sales

LAST FRIDAY, ASUS held an investors conference at its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan and the CEO Jerry Shen shared some details of what Asus is working on. It’s clear that Asus considers Apple to be one of its major competitors, especially with regards to the iPad, a device that has caused no end of headaches for Asus, especially as it’s stealing netbook sales from Asus.
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