DDR4 not expected until 2015

Should start in excess of 2.1GHz

DDR3 MEMORY ALREADY has three years on its neck and it’s finally starting to replace DDR2 as the mainstream memory technology. JEDEC and the memory manufacturers are already planning the next generation of memory technology set to succeed DDR3 with the obvious name of DDR4 which was set to make its first appearance in 2012, but it seems like things have been pushed back until 2015 now.
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Intel’s Patsburg chipset comes with a few unexpected surprises

Many not set in stone yet

TODAY WE FOUND out some details about changes to Intel’s upcoming Patsburg chipset for Sandy Bridge LGA-2011 processors and we were slightly surprised at what we heard. What struck as very unusual is the fact that Intel is developing a single chipset that is intended for at least both the high-end desktop Sandy Bridge B2 processors and the Xeon destined Sandy Bridge EN processors. Traditionally Intel has developed these types of chipsets separately, but apparently this is no longer the case.
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Intel’s Sandy Bridge CPU roadmap leaks

A lot of new number and letter combinations to learn

INTEL’S ROADMAPS NEVER tend to stay secret for long and this time around details of its entire upcoming Sandy Bridge desktop CPU line-up have turned up online, alongside some details of some of the mobile Sandy Bridge processors. This is not quite the entire desktop CPU range for next year from Intel though, as there’s no word on what processors we’ll see for socket 2011.
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Asus launches new range of business notebooks with Sonata batteries

Three year battery warranty thanks to Boston-Power

ASUS HAS TEAMED up with Boston-Power to deliver a new range of business notebooks that comes with Boston-Power’s Sonata Lithium-ion batteries standard. Unlike most laptop batteries, the Sonata power cells come with a three year manufacturer’s warranty. The new B-series of notebooks doesn’t just have extended life batteries though, as there are a few other features that should make them appealing to business users.
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Asus’ Sabertooth X58 board gets official

A TUF board?

ASUS HAS ANNOUNCED its second board in the TUF series, the Sabertooth X58 which according to the press release is an extra reliable board that can handle heavy duty tasks. We won’t read too much into that, but the previous TUF board, the Sabertooth 55i had some interesting features that have been rolled over to the Sabertooth X58.
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Asus Rampage III Formula outed

Looks like a good contended for the enthusiast market

ASUS’ R.O.G. SERIES of motherboards have always been out of reach in terms of cost for your average consumer, but have been hugely popular with the enthusiast and high-end gamer market. The latest addition to the series has just made an appearance online and it’s yet another X58 model, although this time a somewhat more affordable board than Asus’ Rampage III Extreme which is a $380 board.
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Corsair launches the Hydro Series H70

Performance water cooling made easy

CORSAIR IS ONE of many companies that have tried to make water cooling more accessible to the mainstream and its Hydro Series H50 sealed loop water cooler gained some rather favourable reviews, especially with regards to the reasonable ease of installation and reliability. Now Corsair has gone and upped the game with the introduction of the Hydro Series H70 which is set to improve upon the performance of the H50.
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