AMD’s Phenom II X6 1090T tested early

Black Edition gets put through its paces

WE’LL FORGIVE YOU if you don’t know who Coolaler is, but as the story goes, he’s one of the best overclockers in the world. He also has a very active website and forum in his home country of Taiwan and from time to time benchmarks of unreleased hardware end up there. This time around one of the forum members has posted benchmarks of AMD’s Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition.
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AMD talks Turbo Core

Speed boost with half the active core count

ALTHOUGH SOMEWHAT BEHIND its main competitor, AMD has today revealed its Turbo Core technology that allows for automatic overclocking of CPU cores under the right conditions. It will only apply to AMD’s upcoming Thuban based Phenom II processor, although we’re fairly certain that we’ll see this technology making its way into other product lines from AMD in the future.
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Data Robotics launches its first NAS

About time too

DATA ROBOTICS GAINED a lot of interest from both the media and the public when it launched its first Drobo product a few years ago, as its BeyondRAID technology made it easy for the general consumer to get an external, expandable storage solution. Now the company is back with a solution that offers the same features, but with network connectivity, namely the Drobo FS.
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NEC Electronics becomes Renesas Electronics

Pre-announces new USB 3.0 controller

THE MERGER BETWEEN NEC Electronics and Renesas Technology culminated today with the start of Renesas Electronics, which is the name of the new company. Renesas Technology was a Japanese semiconductor manufacturer, while NEC Electronics was a separate division of NEC that focused on semiconductor products. The new company is Japan’s largest and the world’s third largest semiconductor manufacturer.
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USB 3.0 xHCI spec 1.0 will require in-chipset support

Won’t come until Intel is ready

IT’S PRETTY INTERESTING what you can find out at the various events you attend as a tech journalist and today we found out about another reason why we’re not seeing USB 3.0 support built into chipsets. From our understanding it has nothing to do with cost or technology problems, as it all comes down to one thing – Intel isn’t ready to move away from the draft USB 3.0 xHCI specification.
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No performance testing is done on USB certified devices

It’s up to the manufacturers

YOU MIGHT HAVE noticed a little USB logo on most, if not all of your USB devices that tells you what kind it is, be it bog standard USB, Hi-Speed or now SuperSpeed USB. During today’s USB-IF developer’s conference we put forward the question to the USB-IF, which is the organization behind these logos that certify that your device is USB compliant, with regards to performance testing and what the requirements are.
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Notebook charging over USB is being researched

USB-IF looking for smart power distribution

IF THERE’S ONE inherent problem the USB interface suffers from, including the latest 3.0 iteration, it’s the lack of power. At 5V and 500mA or 900mA, you can barely run an external hard drive off a USB port. But from what we were told today, the USB Implementors Forum (USB-IF) is looking at changing this in the future and has just started a research group that will look at how to drive more power over the USB interface.
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